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Supporting Families: Caudwell Children Reduces Autism Assessment Contribution

Supporting Families: Caudwell Children Reduces Autism Assessment Contribution

In recent years, the rising demand for autism assessments in the UK has resulted in prolonged waiting times, leaving many families feeling anxious and uncertain of what the next steps are. By recognising this surging issue, Caudwell Children has taken a significant step to alleviate some of the pressure on families seeking autism assessments for their children.

We have reduced the family contribution for autism assessments at our award-winning Caudwell International Children’s Centre to just £500 and have increased our income criteria to £60,000 in the aim to make this crucial service more accessible to a greater number of families.

Caudwell Children is proud to partner with new life Charity, Children’s Alliance and Disabled Children’s partnership, united by our shared commitment to advocating for the needs of disabled and autistic children. We also show our unwavering support to the Buckland review. Our collaboration underlines a mutual dedication to ensuring that every child receives the support and resources they deserve. By aligning our values and joining our voices, we strengthen our collective government pleas for enhanced
services and funding, striving together to create a brighter future for neurodivergent and disabled children across the UK.

The Growing Need for Autism Assessments

Currently there are around 172,000 adults and children on a waiting list for an autism assessment which is the highest recorded figure according to NHS data analysed by think tank, external [1]. Early diagnosis is critical for providing children with the support they need to thrive. However, the NHS and other public health systems are struggling to keep up with the demand, resulting in lengthy waiting periods.

An autism diagnosis is vital so children can receive the correct help and support. Without a diagnosis many children will continue to struggle at school, home and in other social settings. This could result in a decline in their mental health and cause problems such as anxiety or depression.

Caudwell Children’s Autism Assessments

Caudwell Children, are dedicated to changing the lives of disabled and autistic children, and since 2007, we have recognised the incremental growth in demand for children’s Autism Assessments and support, which has now increased to critical levels.

In response to the growing demand, Caudwell Children developed an innovative children’s autism pathway that provides efficient, comprehensive multidisciplinary assessments, diagnosis, and immediate post-diagnostic support.

Launched in 2020 and currently delivered from our purpose-built centre, it’s our ambition to evidence this unique model, providing alternative solutions to the NHS and other providers.

How the Reduced Fee Helps

Understanding the emotional and financial strain that extended waiting times impose, we have reduced the contribution required from families for their autism assessments from £940 to just £500. This significant reduction aims to ensure that more families can access timely assessments which are affordable.

This reduction means that families who might have been unable to afford the previous fee now have the opportunity to secure a timely diagnosis for their child. Caudwell Children covers the remaining costs through fundraising efforts and donations, ensuring that financial constraints do not prevent children from getting the help they need.

For more information about Caudwell Children’s Autism Assessments, please click here.


[1] Autism Waiting Time Statistics here