Accessibility Statement
Caudwell Children is committed to taking an inclusive approach to meeting an individual’s needs by ensuring that our services are fully accessible to all. This includes all aspects of accessibility relating to physical disabilities, communication and learning needs; and applies to buildings, provision of accessible information, Caudwell Children policies and the services we provide.
All staff have a duty to ensure that they are providing services that are accessible and, where barriers exist, are making reasonable adjustments to remove these barriers.
All staff will access training in associated legislation and policies, as part of statutory and mandatory training and induction.
Online Safety Tips
As a parent or carer you play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online. Here are some useful resources to help you and your child to use the internet safely, responsibly and positively.

Online Safety Tips For Children

Online Safety Tips for Parents & Carers
Safeguarding Statement
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults is central to the ethos of Caudwell Children.
Caudwell Children’s Adult and Child Safeguarding policies are in line with; Care Quality Commission, The Charity Commission, government guidance and Staffordshire Adult and Children Safeguarding board.
All staff and volunteers receive comprehensive and relevant training in safeguarding as this is everyone’s responsibility within our organisation.
Safer recruitment procedures are followed for the recruitment of staff and volunteers. Disclosure & Barring Service checks are completed for all staff and volunteers dependent on their role within Caudwell Children.