CE is based on a ‘simple’ concept of human potential
Meaning that everyone has the capability to learn and develop irrespective of their starting point. People with disabilities frequently spend much of their time being assessed for what they ‘cannot do’ rather than what potential they have. Conductors are highly trained to observe this potential in a person; to nurture their development and to devise structured programmes to enable success. CE combines education, psychology and medical science and considers all aspects of the person simultaneously.
Caudwell Children can provide up to £2000 per year towards courses of Conductive Education.
For support with our services or for more information contact our Applications team, call 0345 300 1348 or email applications@caudwellchildren.com or chat via our Live Chat.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants for funding must meet the standard Caudwell Children eligibility criteria, including:
- 18 years old or under
- Family living legally in the UK
- You will be considered for our support if you can demonstrate that either: You are in receipt of means-tested benefits OR your household income is no more than £60,000 excluding benefits.

Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy